9.0 英语 · 2024 · 美国 · 港台剧
赛琳娜·戈麦斯,贾尼斯·黎恩·布朗,大卫·亨瑞,米密·吉安诺普洛斯,Alkaio Thiele,Max Matenko,Aiden Arnold,Taylor Cora
Alex Russo(赛琳娜·戈麦斯 Selena Gomez 饰)和法力高强但处于叛逆期的年轻魔法师Billie (贾尼斯·黎恩·布朗 Janice LeAnn Brown 饰) 出现求助,打乱Justin(大卫·亨瑞 David Henrie 饰)的平静生活。 但是为了保护魔法师世界的未来 ,Justin决定“出山”,训练并教导Billie好好运用魔法。
6.0 其它 · 2020 · 其它 · 剧情片
Indira Rubie Andrewin,Gilberto Barraza,Mariano Tun Xool,埃利希奥·梅兰德斯,加维诺·罗德里格斯,Shantai Obispo,Cornelius McLaren,Gildon Roland,Dale Carley,Ian Flowers,José Alfredo González Dzul,Antonio Tun Xool,Eliseo Ma
5.0 英语 · 2024 · 加拿大 · 港台剧
Dolly Lewis,阿加·达什,丹尼尔·吉里斯,加洛德·约瑟夫,Alice Christina-Corrigan,托尼·吉罗克斯
Sight Unseen, in partnership with Bell Media’s CTV, follows Tess Avery (Dolly Lewis, The Dutchman’s Pipe), a top homicide detective who is forced to quit the job she loves after nearly killing her partner and being diagnosed as clinically blind. Reluctant to accept help, Tess uses an assistance app and connects with Sunny Patel (Agam Darshi, DMZ), a professional seeing-eye guid...
5.0 英语 · 2008 · 美国 · 欧美剧
艾伦·旁派,帕特里克·德姆西,吴珊卓,凯瑟琳·海格尔,贾斯汀·钱伯斯,T·R·奈特,杰弗里·迪恩·摩根 Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Recipient of the 2007 Golden Globe Award for Best Drama Television Series and multiple Emmy nominations, including Outstanding Drama Series for the past two years, "Grey's Anatomy" returns to the ABC Television Network for its fifth season. Is "happily ever after" possible for Meredith Grey and Derek "McDreamy" Shepherd? With Meredith experiencing a breakthrough in therapy - the realization that she and Derek can be extraordinary together, rather than ordinary apart -- she and Derek now face the highs and lows of being a committed couple. Continuing their first year as residents at Seattle Grace Hospital, Meredith, Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens and Alex Karev have interns of their own to mentor, including Meredith's half-sister, Lexie Grey. Lexie has become a roommate and confidante to George O'Malley, who, after divorce with Callie, a breakup with Izzie, and learning that he failed his residency test by only one point, is striving to get both his professional and personal life back on track. After attending to his girlfriend Rebecca's mental illness on his own, and revealing that he had gone through this with his own mother, Alex finds solace in Izzie's arms. Alex must continue through this difficult time, whether or not Izzie remains by his side. Cristina, having finally won out over her tough-as-nails mentor, Erica, is back on track as a surgeon - but is there a chance for new love in her life as well? With the encouragement of Mark "McSteamy" Sloan, Dr. Callie Torres has taken a chance on love with cardiothoracic surgeon, Erica Hahn; now, she and Erica must figure out what happens after the first kiss. Overseeing the residents is the no-nonsense Chief Resident, Miranda Bailey. Facing marital troubles and the difficulty of balancing her work and personal life, Bailey has handed her responsibilities as head of the free clinic over to Izzie. Also striving for balance is Chief of Surgery, Richard Webber, who has reunited with his estranged wife, Adele. The doctors of Seattle Grace Hospital deal with life-or-death consequences on a daily basis - it's in one another that they find comfort, friendship and love. Together they're discovering that neither medicine nor relationships can be defined in black and white. Real life only comes in shades of grey. "Grey's Anatomy" stars Ellen Pompeo as Meredith Grey, Patrick Dempsey as Derek Shepherd, Sandra Oh as Cristina Yang, Katherine Heigl as Isobel "Izzie" Stevens, Justin Chambers as Alex Karev, T.R. Knight as George O'Malley, Chandra Wilson as Miranda Bailey, James Pickens, Jr. as Richard Webber, Sara Ramirez as Callie Torres, Eric Dane as Mark Sloan, Chyler Leigh as Lexie Grey, and Brooke Smith as Erica Hahn.
6.0 英语 · 2012 · 美国 · 科幻片
柯林·纳麦克 Corin Nemec,Dominika Juillet,Benjamin Easterday,Nikolette Noel,Cosondra Sjostrom
隶属试剂盒科技公司的生物工程科学家赫伯特(David Staszko 饰)在深入伯利兹雨林考察期间遭遇神形硕大的杀人蜂,旋即人间蒸发,生死不明。三个月后,该科学家的相关资料传到他的女儿——美丽的昆虫学家吉娜·汉弗莱斯(Dominika Juillet 饰)手中。她从中大致确定了父亲失踪的地点,虽然那是一片禁止入内的区域,可是这个继承了父亲冒险精神的女子还是和助手朗达(Nikolette Noel 饰)闯入禁区。此时此刻,当地正处于战争动乱时期,她们成功说服驻扎当地的军官约翰(Corin Nemec 饰),随部队深入雨林。 然而等待这群人的不只是敌人的枪林弹雨,更有巨蜂群的无情袭击,他们面临最凶险的处境……
8.0 英语 · 2024 · 南非 · 恐怖片
A group of homeless misfits must fight for survival when they discover a plot to exterminate every homeless person in the city.
8.0 其它 · 2023 · 其它 · 剧情片
伊艾尔·赛义德,莫妮卡·比利亚,Nahiel Correa Dornell,Hernán Bustamante,Noemí Ron,Dahyana Turkie,Silvia Porro,Horacio Marassi,Mauricio Minetti,Ana Silvia Mackenzie,Pablo Moseinco
In a tiny rural village in Argentina, Rita Lopez, a pious yet insatiably competitive woman, discovers that staging a miracle could be her ticket to sainthood.
10.0 土耳其语 · 2011 · 土耳其,德国,荷兰 · 剧情片
Ilker Aksum,法提赫·阿尔,Gunes Sayin,塔勒·比尔瑟尔,巴吉·达弗拉克,穆罕默德·阿里·努罗谷,Beril Boz,Damla Kabakci,Durak Bulbuk,Tamer Yurtbasi,Meliha Corek,Ilker Burma,Selim Gürata
安德(法提赫·阿尔 Fatih Al 饰)和赛丁(巴吉·达弗拉克 Baki Davrak 饰)是从小玩到大的一对好友,成年后,分居两地的两人渐渐没有了联系。一晃眼几十年过去,两个男孩都步入中年,在这个节骨眼上,赛丁回到了故乡,和安德重逢了。一见如故的两人发现他们彼此都没有忘记儿时的梦想,于是决定住到一起,将曾经的梦想化为现实。 费克雷是安德和赛丁共同的好友,在一场车祸中,他受了非常严重的上,于是,费克雷将自己的妹妹尼哈尔(Gunes Sayin Gunes Sayin 饰)托付给了两位好友照顾,就这样,尼哈尔加入了这个“两口之家”。哥哥的车祸给尼哈尔的心灵带来了很大的伤害,为了帮助日渐自闭的女孩重新找回快乐,安德和赛丁想尽了各种方法。
9.0 德语,英语,希腊语 · 2016 · 德国 · 剧情片
Paula Knüpling,Cornelius Schwalm,Miriam Jakob,Thorbj?rn Bjornsson,玛伦·艾格特,Phil Hayes
兩對情侶,一前一後在兩個時空黯然分手。年輕戀人在希臘旅遊,男的要回英國探望意外昏迷的母親,女的要返德國繼續進修。鏡頭一轉已是30 年後,另一對中年夫婦,演員妻子與人類學家丈夫感情流逝,協議離婚。時空切換不着痕跡,人生卻已轉了幾回。此時那對年輕戀人久別重遇,相對已無言。布烈遜的簡約主義如影隨形,幾個手腳特寫已令人物活靈活現。同一時空,四人軌跡重疊,是夢境的虛幻,抑或現實的迷離?看此片如一趟靜觀冥想,感受生的孤寂與愛的無常。
10.0 英语 · 2018 · 美国 · 剧情片
尼尔·杨,Lucas Nelson,Micah Nelson,Corey McCormick,
Time is fluid in this far-fetched, whimsical western tale of music and love. Somewhere in the future past, The Man In the Black Hat hides out between heists at an old stagecoach stop with Jail Time, the Particle Kid, and an odd band of outlaws. Mining the detritus of past civilizations, they wait… for the Silver Eagle, for the womenfolk, and for the full moon's magic to give rise to the music and make the spirits fly.
10.0 英语 · 2018 · 美国 · 剧情片
Buck Biestek,Corinne Britti,Anthony D'Elia,Liberty Glez,
Tommy DiNello, a freelance videographer, moves back to North Branford Ct. from New York City after two years on his own. His extremely close cousins, Marie and Dom Jr., are reluctantly accepting their father's new young foreign wife Varya, just two years after their mother's death. Since Tommy's parents moved to Florida when he was away, he has no choice but to stay with his Uncle Dominic and cousin Marie while battling memories of the reason he left town in the first place. His dear friend, Angela and him are reunited, This is bittersweet as she is the only one with clear knowledge and witness of his past.
10.0 英语 / 西班牙语 · 2023 · 墨西哥 / 美国 · 剧情片
杰森·帕特里克,鲍琳娜·盖坦,山姆·莱文,迭戈·卡尔瓦,妮可·安德鲁斯,蕾内塔·瓦卡,弗朗西斯科·丹尼斯,阿德里安娜·帕兹,阿尔佛莱德·卡斯特罗,赫拉奇·蒂蒂赞,豪尔赫·安东尼奥·格雷罗,多米尼克·培斯,蕾妮·米歇尔·阿兰达,Bailey Kai,Andrés Delgado,Rich Paul,阿迪娜·加鲁帕,Karla Coronado,Robert Dobson,Bryan Patrick
A Mexican teenager whose dreams of becoming a soccer star are disrupted when his mother dies. He's smuggled across the border with the promise of a better life but is instead sold to a sweatshop in downtown LA.
9.0 Sicilian,意 · 1948 · 意大利 · 剧情片
Antonio Arcidiacono,Giuseppe Arcidiacono,Venera Bonaccorso,Nicola Castorino,Rosa Catalano,Rosa Costanzo,Alfio Fichera,Carmela Fichera,Rosario Galvagno,Agnese Giammona,Nelluccia Giammona,Giovanni Greco
故事发生在西西里的一个小渔村,演员都是当地居民。《大地在波动》是意大利新现实主义运动中涌现出的一部伟大电影。 在田园般的西西里小渔村,渔民们世世代代从事着古老职业,按照祖先的方式生活,无论多么艰难困苦。他们一直被鱼贩和船主欺压。为他们遭受的不公平所打击,年轻渔民尼奥联合其他人奋起抗争,他们因扰乱治安被捕。尼奥不想屈服,他说服家人抵押了住房,自己做起了经营。 然而,在一次暴风雨中他们失去了渔船。走投无路之际,年轻的渔民被迫回到鱼贩手下,接受了他们卑劣的条件参加工作。他们失去的不仅是家庭,村民间的团结也丧失了。
6.0 西班牙语 · 1990 · 西班牙 · 剧情片
维多利亚·阿夫里尔,安东尼奥·班德拉斯,洛莱斯·莱昂,玛丽亚·巴兰科,萝西·德·帕尔马,胡丽叶塔·塞拉诺,弗朗西斯科·拉瓦尔,Lola Cardona,埃米利亚诺·雷东多,l,José María Tasso,马努埃尔·班德拉,Juana Cordero,Francisca Caballero,Malena Gracia,阿古斯丁·阿莫多瓦
自三岁开始便在孤儿院生活的里奇(安东尼奥?班德拉斯),20几年来因为一直被困在精神病院和疗养院中,对外面的世界一无所知,十分单纯、直接、鲁莽。 被精神病院的医生批准可以重返社会,过另一种生活后,里奇顿感生命火焰重新燃起,并在走出精神病院的大门后立即向自己一直钟爱的色情片女星玛丽亚(维托利亚?阿布里尔)示爱,他的示爱方式是将对方绑架起来,让对方在这段被囚禁的日子对他发生真正的感情,并要像“他爱她一样爱他”。
6.0 英语 · 2019 · 美国 · 剧情片
莉兹·博伊斯,杰森·普雷斯利,乔安娜·纽马奇,Pauline Egan,杰森·塞尔马克,达芙妮·祖尼加,基南·特雷西,Michael Karl Richards,Sarah Corrigan,Jordan Ninkovich
Orphaned and crippled, Heaven's daughter Annie is whisked off to Farthinggale Manor by Tony Tatterton. She pines for her lost family, especially her beloved cousin/half-brother Luke. Without the warm glow of his love, she's lost in the shadows of despair and forced in to submission by Nurse Broadfield. When Annie discovers a cottage hidden in Farthinggale's woods, the mystery o...
6.0 英语 · 2019 · 美国 · 剧情片
汤姆·塞兹摩尔,Alexander Mercier,弗兰基·G,Shiek Mahmud-Bey,Jerry Dean,Cory DuVal,Mark Anthony Love,Uziman,Michelle Lamelza,Christina Catechis,Danny Gilfeather,乔·萨巴,Johnny Solo,Mark Vincent,Ari Barkan,Michael Ma
Zahid, "an American born Muslim who, after struggling with his Islamic roots, explores different aspects of the religion, leading to a deadly calling."
9.0 法语,西班牙语 · 2023 · 加拿大,法国 · 剧情片
阿里安·卡斯特利亚诺斯,马克-安德烈·格隆丁,Nelson Coronado,马克·博普里,米舍利娜·伯纳德,Marvin Coroy,伊芙·杜兰索,Wilson Guerrero,Gerardo Miranda,路易斯·奥利瓦,Antonio Ortega,Hubert Proulx,埃米尔·施耐德
Arine’s difficult financial situation forces her to return to her hometown, where she takes a job interpreting between a farm’s seasonal workers from Guatemala and their Canadian employers. Although she is supposed to remain impartial, when she repeatedly witnesses the migrant workers’ mistreatment, she cannot remain silent. She may possibly be the only person who sees them as ...
6.0 英语 · 2024 · 美国 · 剧情片
詹妮弗·洛佩兹,鲍比·坎纳瓦尔,肖恩·海托西,迈克尔·佩纳,唐·钱德尔,麦凯尔泰·威廉逊,贾雷尔·杰罗姆,朱莉安娜·甘米兹,梅丽莎·迪亚兹,Alex Barone,Tiffany Cornwell,卡洛斯·索洛萨诺,Chrissy Bergeron,Mateo Ray Garcia,帕克·萨克,Noen Perez,奇梅奇·奥帕拉诺齐,Timothy Hornor,Levee Duplay,本杰明
杰森·霍尔([美国狙击手])将自编自导聚焦摔跤明星Anthony Robles的新片[势不可挡](Unstoppable,暂译)。本片改编自Robles的回忆录,约翰·辛德曼撰写了剧本的最新稿。Robles出生时只有一条腿,当时母亲也只有16岁。他们一起克服了贫穷和个人障碍,见证Robles获得了三次全美冠军,2011年全美大学生体育协会全国冠军,并成为全国摔跤名人堂的入围者。
8.0 英语 · 2024 · 加拿大 · 欧美剧
Dolly Lewis,阿加·达什,丹尼尔·吉里斯,加洛德·约瑟夫,Alice Christina-Corrigan,托尼·吉罗克斯
Sight Unseen, in partnership with Bell Media’s CTV, follows Tess Avery (Dolly Lewis, The Dutchman’s Pipe), a top homicide detective who is forced to quit the job she loves after nearly killing her partner and being diagnosed as clinically blind. Reluctant to accept help, Tess uses an assistance app and connects with Sunny Patel (Agam Darshi, DMZ), a professional seeing-eye guide and an agoraphobe living 3,000 miles away. After losing her vision, Tess is haunted by the unsolved cases she left behind. Using a hidden camera and earpiece, Sunny remotely steers Tess through life’s obstacles – and crimes – as the two challenge preconceptions about ability, trust and where to draw the line. Inspired by one of the co-creators’ experiences with sight loss, viewers join Tess and Sunny as they bring a fresh perspective to solving crime.