10.0 印尼语 · 2018 · 印度尼西亚 · 恐怖片
Amanda Rawles,Jefri Nichol,Hannah Al Rashid
As the youngest child who has never known her mother, Tasya (Gabriella Quinlynn) feels lonely. Unintentionally she watched an old videotape owned by his father, Ferdi (Lukman Sardi), who had communicated with her mother's deceased spirit using Jailangkung. Tasya assembles her own Jailangkung and plays it in hopes of communicating with her deceased mother. This incident apparent...
9.0 意大利语 · 2023 · 意大利 · 喜剧片
乔什·奥康纳,卡罗尔·杜阿尔特,文森佐·内莫拉托,伊莎贝拉·罗西里尼,阿尔芭·罗尔瓦赫尔,露·罗-伊莱科内,Giuliano Mantovani,Gian Piero Capretto,Melchiorre Pala,Ramona Fiorini,Luca Gargiullo,伊勒·亚拉·维安内罗,Barbara Chiesa,Elisabetta Perotto,Chiara Pazzaglia
每个人都有自己的“奇美拉”,这是他们试图实现但却无法找到的东西。对于盗墓团伙来说,奇美拉意味着从工作和轻松致富的梦想中得到救赎。对亚瑟(乔什·奥康纳 Josh O'Connor 饰)来说,奇美拉就像他失去的那个女人,贝尼亚米娜。为了找到她,亚瑟挑战无形,到处寻找,进入地 球内部——寻找神话中所说的通往来世的大门。在活人与死人之间、森林与城市之间、庆典与孤独之间的冒险旅程中,这些人物的命运交织在一起,都是为了寻找奇美拉。