The film tells the riveting story of a complex murder case, parallelly investigated by a police officer and an investigative journalist in their own way, who eventually cross paths to unravel secrets they never imagined.
The film tells the riveting story of a complex murder case, parallelly investigated by a police officer and an investigative journalist in their own way, who eventually cross paths to unravel secrets they never imagined.
,冷血悬案是由Tanu Balak执导,普利特维拉吉·苏库玛兰,Aditi BalanLakshmi,Priyaa Chandramouli等人主演的,于2021年上映。 相关赞助院线:策驰影院,星辰影院,星空影院,西瓜影院,抖音短剧视频等40集全集完整版资源免费在线观看。