La Soga 2 is a suspenseful thriller and love story, where a former hitman fights to rescue the love of his life, while confronting his inner demons and violent past.
La Soga 2 is a suspenseful thriller and love story, where a former hitman fights to rescue the love of his life, while confronting his inner demons and violent past.
,屠夫之子2是由曼尼·佩雷斯执导,Juan Fernández,Manny Pérez,Chris McGarry,Hada Vanessa,Sarah Jorge León等人主演的,于2021年上映。 相关赞助院线:策驰影院,星辰影院,星空影院,西瓜影院,抖音短剧视频等40集全集完整版资源免费在线观看。